Biodata 2NE1

Real Name: Lee Chae Rin
Position: Leader, Rapper, Vocal
Date of Birth: February 26, 1991 (age 18)
Height: 162cm
Specialties: French, English, and Japanese

Real Name: Park Bom
Position: Main Vocal
Birth date: March 24, 1984 (age 25)
Height: 165cm
Specialties: English, Japanese, Piano, and Flute

Real Name: Sandara Park
Position: Vocal
Date of Birth: November 12, 1984 (age 24)
Height: 162cm
Specialties: English, Chinese, Filipino, and Acting

Real Name: Gong Min-ji
Position: Rapper, Vocal
Date of Birth: January 18, 1994 (age 15)
Height: 161cm
Specialties: Japanese, Chinese, and Dancing


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